
I started my journey with photography in the summer of 2011. I wanted to learn how to take better pictures at Walt Disney World. I was following quite a few Disney photographers and loved the images they were posting of my favorite destination. Little did I know, my desire to bring back better images from the Magic Kingdom would turn into a passion that has grown stronger over the years.

I began with what I had, a little Sony point & shoot camera. I was reading as much material as I could find online and playing with the camera in my yard. A few different sources pointed me to my first book, Brian Peterson’s Understanding Exposure. The world exploded! I pushed that little camera to its limit while I learned about exposure, composition, light and even processing. After almost nine months I decided this new interest was not going away so I purchased my first DSLR camera. The rest, as they say… is history!

I tried everything. I didn’t focus on one style of photography; all of it was interesting to me. Around the same time I started my journey, Google launched their now defunct Google Plus (G+) platform. Quite a few of the photographers I was discovering were advocating this new platform. Within the photo community on G+ I found dedicated themes which focused my attention on numerous different subjects. I played with Monochrome Monday, Grass Tuesday, etc., which gave me even more opportunities to learn. I was having a blast! I think I was even managing to learn a few things along the way.

I eventually found my way to David duChemin’s Craft & Vision website after my kids gave me one of his books for my birthday. The resources on this website exposed me to more photographers and photographic styles. I became a huge fan of the square image format after reading Andrew Gibson’s Square. Another of Andrew’s books, Slow, showed me the magic of long-exposure photography, which I continue to explore to this day.

Eventually I started my own projects, some as a way to stay photographically engaged during the cold winter months; I’m looking at you Game Pieces Project. Others I started by chance while cruising consignment shops; yes, you know I’m thinking of you, Oil Can Project. I have found I am fascinated by dandelions, daisies and black-eyed susans. The macro lens is my friend and a constant companion. I also have a very hard time passing up a sunrise or sunset opportunity. This journey has lead me to discover New York has a plethora of state parks that can yield a bounty of images with each visit.

My story isn’t over; the journey has barely begun. I have a lot more exploring to do with this camera of mine. Hopefully you will stick around to see how I grow and maybe, just maybe, you will find an image or two that catches your eye.

For now, I’m going for a walk to see what I can see…