Tower Moon

Bellamy Harbor Park, Rome, NY

I was on a hunt. A full moon hunt. Friday was the full moon for May. Commonly known as the Flower Moon. My first attempt was Friday morning. I prefer to photograph the moon setting as I can get conditions that allow a better exposure.

I went to Delta Lake State Park to search for suitable compositions. I found a few, nothing special, but I was content with what I captured. Until I got home and attempted to process a few of the images. Nothing jumped out at me. I set them aside and hoped a little time would help (I’ve read somewhere, probably the internet, that you should wait to process your images…).

That didn’t work.

Enter Saturday morning.

Another opportunity for me and the “full moon”. I use the quotes because a day on either side of the full moon reduces the percentage. This morning the moon is 97% full in the waning gibbous stage. Close enough for me.

The extra day lets the moon hang a little longer in the sky around sunrise. I got an extra thirty minutes. Which doesn’t seem like it should have an impact but as the sky brightens, I can properly expose the scene without having to capture a different exposure setting for the moon. It can be bright and easily washed out.

I went to Bellamy Harbor with the hope of using the Mill Street bridge as a foreground subject. That didn’t work out. I couldn’t find an elevated location to shoot from which would bring the moon and the bridge together. I did find an interesting composition with the moon on my way to the park. There is a railroad bridge over the Mohawk River which kinda worked. Maybe I’ll process that one later.

What I did find really got me excited.

I love the old General Cable water tower at Bellamy Harbor. I have photographed it to death over the years. I’m still on the fence with the city’s decision to add the “Rome” signage and the LED lights, but I see what they were trying to do. Anyway…

I was able to find a spot far enough away to get the water tower and the moon in the same composition while using my 300mm lens. This focal length will compress the scene and help increase the apparent size of the moon. The location also kept the sunrise at my back so the colors in the western sky would have blues and magentas.

I processed this one with a light touch. Let me know what you think…

Tower Moon
Nikon Z6 II, Tamron 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3 Di III RXD, 1/8s, 300mm, f/16, ISO 100